We have decided to write this article offering ideas of healthy breakfasts for kids. We have 2 main reasons.
1- On one hand, we want to answer your questions asking for advice on how to adapt homemade vegetable milks to children’s palate.
2- The second reason is to show you how to make a balanced and healthy breakfast to start the day with energy.
How to make homemade plant milk balanced in nutrients?
As you will see below, the plant milk we propose is composed of: carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins.
The idea is to offer a complete plant milk that includes the main foods recommended for breakfast: cereals, fruit and nuts.
We know that a healthy breakfast should include, in addition to a glass of plant milk, a toast of wholemeal bread with a little oil or cheese, a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit.
In the recipes below we have tried to integrate a little bit of each of these ingredients, just in case our kids just drink a glass of milk and don’t want to eat more.

3 recipes of plant-based milk for healthy breakfasts:
We have tried to combine the ingredients in a way that is within everyone’s reach. They are healthy, cheap and at the same time tasty recipes, designed to provoke in our kids the desired “Yummy!” that we like to hear so much.
Base ingredients for plant milk:
- 1 l of water at 70°.
- 6 tablespoons of oat flakes – carbohydrates
- 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds – calcium and iron
- 2 tablespoons of nuts or peanuts – protein and healthy fats
- Pinch of salt – minerals
Let’s go with the Tunning that we will add on top of this base to build three wow recipes:
Base ingredients
1 banana
1 tablespoon vanilla essence – flavoring
Base ingredients
1 banana
1 tablespoon of strawberry jam – flavoring
Tip: we can intensify the pink color related to the strawberry by using a small piece of beet (5 gr) in the recipe. It will give color but the dominant flavor will still be that of the jam.
AVENACAO, Recipe 3
Base ingredients
1/2 banana
3 tablespoons of cocoa
Tip: pay attention to the ingredients of the cocoa you use. If the cocoa contains starch, it’s not necessary to add banana because it will overweigh the cocoa. If the cocoa is fat-free and does not contain sugar, you can add a spoonful of syrup to compensate for the bitterness.
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- ut the water in the Vegan Milker container and the rest of the ingredients inside the filter.
- Insert the filter into the container and blend for one minute using a hand blender.
- Lift the filter and continue blending to strain the pulp.
- Finish the process pressing with the mortar.
- The milk will last between three and five days in the fridge.
Remember that the pulps can be used to make pancakes, crepes, cookies and all kind of pastry recipes. You have some ideas in the pulp section of the Blog.