Home / Recipes / Juices and infusions recipes / Autumn-winter juice recipes / Apple Celery and Carrot Detox Juice

Apple Celery and Carrot Detox Juice

Today we share a classic winter smoothie, the apple, celery and carrot detox juice. It’s a highly esteemed juice for its purifying qualities. The ingredients that we use to prepare the juice are very popular available to anyone.

Apple, celery and carrot juice’s properties

This juice is a great diuretic, helps fight constipation and stomach poisoning. It’s rich in phosphorus, iron and vitamin C, so it collaborates positively in overcoming anemia and depression processes by strengthening the immune system.

Thanks to the great depurative power of the apple, the juice has a considerable detox effect. In addition to purifying the blood, the carrot with its antioxidant properties and large amount of vitamin A and carotenes, helps to improve eyesight, teeth and skin. It regulates the intestine and enriches the blood. Finally, celery is full of vitamin C and fiber, which improves intestinal transit.

With these three basic ingredients, the classic hand blender and the Vegan Milker we will prepare a quick and easy depurative juice. Here we go!

Apple Celery and Carrot Detox Juice Recipe

The combination of carrot and celery makes this juice a pleasantly sweet-tasting drink. For those who prefer more acidic flavors, you can add a half lemon juice or a ginger tablespoon or ginger root cube into the ingredients.


  • 1 apple with peel – 150g
  • 2 large carrots – 150g
  • 2 celery stalks – 100g
  • ½ liter of water
  • OPTIONAL: juice of ½ lemon or a cube of ginger root (or 1 tablespoon).


Preparation time: 5 minutes

  1. Thoroughly clean the fruit and vegetables with peel. Remove the pips from the apple and chop them.
  2. Put ½ liter of water in the Vegan Milker container and insert the filter.
  3. Then add the ingredients one at a time into the filter and blend for 15 seconds each time a new ingredient is added in this order: apple, carrot and finally celery.
  4. Lift the filter over the juice and press with the mortar.
  5. To consume at the moment or during the same day to better take advantage of the nutrients. Store in the fridge.

How to use the pulp

You already know that at Vegan Milker we like to use everything.

In this recipe in particular, the fibrous part of the celery makes it difficult to reuse, so if we want to reutilize the pulp, it is convenient to separate the celery.

To do this, once the apple and carrot have been mashed, the pulp is removed and the empty filter is put back into the container to finish the process by blending the celery.

In this way, we have a sweet and pleasant pulp to do with it whatever we like; add it to a soup, to a puree or make an original vinaigrette for salads. We share with you a sample recipe.

Recipe for vinaigrette with apple and carrot pulp

Add 1 tablespoon of pulp, 1 tablespoon of lemon, ½ tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients. The result is a tasty and thick sauce that matches perfectly in any autumn salad.

The salad in the photo has winter greens: escarole, lettuce, beet greens, dandelion, arugula and chickweed, a few orange slices and some black olives. Adding our recycling vinaigrette and a topping of assorted seeds or some walnuts will make it a delicious and super nutritious dish. Cheers!

More juice recipes with Vegan Milker

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