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Vegan Yuenyeung

The original Yuenyeung (yinyong or yuanyang) is not vegan. It is a original drink from Hong Kong that is prepared with coffee, black tea and condensed milk. It is very aromatic and depending on the appetite of the moment it is taken hot or cold.
Initially yuenyeung was served in Dai Pai Dongs (open-air food stores) and Cha Chaan Tengs (coffee shops). Currently, however, the popular yuenyeung can be tasted in various types of restaurants in Hong Kong, with an exquisite egg pie also exclusive of this Asian city full of English reminiscence.

Vegan yuenyeung recipe

Taking advantage of the versatility of Vegan Milker we have prepared the vegan version of yuenyueng replacing condensed milk with a plant milk: Peanut and oat milk with a touch of vanilla and organic sugar.
On the other hand, we will use whole coffee beans, which we will add directly without the need to grind it beforehand. This is another advantage of the simplicity and multifunctionality of Vegan Milker.
You will see how easy it is to prepare the vegan version of this delicious and original drink, which by the way, has nothing to envy to the original version.

Ingredients of the vegan yuenyeung:

  • ½ liter of water at 70ºC.
  • 30g of whole coffee beans
  • 30g black tea
  • 40g oat flakes
  • 50g peanuts with shell
  • 20g organic sugar (or 1 tablespoon of syrup)
  • A pinch of vanilla essence


Preparation time: 5 minutes.

  1. Heat the water up to between 70-80ºC and pour it into the Vegan Milker container or a tall narrow pan.
  2. Place the Vegan Milker filter into the chosen container.
  3. Place all solid ingredients into the filter.
  4. Blend with a hand blender for 1 minute.
  5. Let rest for 3 minutes to infuse the mixture well.
  6. Strain. To do this, remove the filter from the container and press the pulp with a mortar until the last drops retained in the pulp are filtered out.
  7. Serve hot or cold depending on the moment.

Enjoy this Hong Kong delight and if it is accompanied by a pastry, so much the better!

Other coffee recipes that may interest you

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