The strength of the small

The strength of the small

For 60 years we have been living together with the industrial farming model. The argument that has justified its development has always been closely linked to one supposed objective: “To produce enough food to wipe out hunger in the world”. However, the facts show...

Edible forest

All over the world, from Indonesia to the Amazon, through to Africa, Europe and Northamerica, large forests, consisting of native trees, have become extinct at a crashing rhythm. Deforestation without an efficient reforestation, has serious consequences: It damages...

Soy milk, yin & yang.

Soy is a bean of eastern origins that represents as no other the real Yin-Yang philosophy: YIN: Especially rich in proteins, compared with other vegetable drinks, because it contains the 8 essential amino acids that the body needs to work. Moreover, it has less fats,...

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