Keeping your immune system strong is an excellent remedy to prevent all kinds of diseases. Doing so is easy, it's free and it can also be enjoyable. The immune system is strengthened in a natural and effective way if we take care of basic daily habits such as sleeping...
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Plant-based milks that help regulate cholesterol
Excess cholesterol is an increasingly widespread problem at all ages. Regulating our body's cholesterol level is directly related to healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercising and maintaining a varied diet rich in quality fats and proteins. Homemade plant milks are...
Top 7 protein-rich plant milks
Would you like to know which are top 7 protein rich plant milks? Let's see! Homemade plant milks are a great source of protein, but do we truly know which one is the highest in protein? I wanted to clear things up so I crafted this short article in order to show you...
Protect your skin from the sun with the help of Vitamin E rich plant milk
Does vitamin E help protect your skin from the sun? Can vitamin E be found in plant milk? Sunlight exposure has a beneficial effect on human health, since it promotes endogenous vitamin D production, which at the same time, aids in the production process for calcium....
Golden Milk
Golden milk is an ancient drink which is lovely to have during autumn. This fabulous recipe was shared by our Chufamix friend Briguitte Andreae a few months ago, since it’s a brilliant remedy for those cases of winter blues. It’s all about making a lovely, aromatic...
Tips to heat homemade plant milks without stripping them from their nutrients
Have you ever experimented heating homemade plant milk? Were the results surprising? We've had some "weird" phenomena happen to us after having heated our homemade concoctions, so I decided to write this article in order to share everything I've learnt so far with...
Pregnancy & Homemade Plant Milk: a Basic Guide.
Seeing that lots of you asked us about the best milk to drink during pregnancy, we decided to create this little guide. Here you’ll find some interesting options which will supply you with lots of very well needed nutrients during the pregnancy period, as well as a...
Top 5 Calcium-Rich Vegan Milks
Drinking plant milks frequently doesn’t have to Clash with maintaining good calcium levels. You only need to know which ones are the richest in this important mineral, and then making your milk using those seeds! Said seeds can also be used as an extra ingredient to...
Homemade tigernut milk vs storebought: A scientific study on nutritional differences
Here in ChufaMix, we’ve been long looking around the web to find some kind of scientific studies on the differences between both homemade and store-bought plant milks, mainly related to their nutritional properties. Hard to believe that, as different as both drinks...
Tips for making nutritious vegan milk with Aloe Vera
Would you like to make more nutritious vegan milk? We have an easy solution! This recipe came about after reading “The Great Aloe Book” by Alessandro Bassetti and Stefano Sala (Edizioni zuccari, 2007) which is about the history, botany and pharmacological aspects of...
It is possible that you have read a number of articles published over the last few days in the most important media outlets in the USA, the UK, Italy, Spain and France, regarding a study carried out in Hospital de la Fe, in Valencia (Spain). This “scientific...
How to calcify homemade vegan milk
When people start following a vegan or vegetarian diet they are concerned about some nutrients as calcium or protein. But dairy free options are rich in this nutrients if you know how to keep them. Some people whose prefer lactose free options ask us about how to...
Which nutrients are passed from the seed to the homemade plant milk ?
Since we started the " Chufamix " adventure we have the curiosity to answer the following question : Which of the seed´s nutrients , from nuts or cereals are maintained in the homemade plant milk ? We know that as far as packaged plant milk is concerned, during the...
Tiger nuts milk’s properties
We are tiger nut lovers. It has been cultivated in Valencia (Spain) by the family farming model, at least, since the Middle Ages . We use it to make a delicious " horchata " or tiger nut milk. It´s also a very nutritional and medicinal drink. According to...
Germinating seeds at home
On the 15-16 March a meeting for the exchange of local seeds was held at the Bizitoki country house hotel in the beautiful province of Baxe Nafarroa (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) which we attended with great interest. At this meeting two open workshops were held . The first...
Sesame milk´s properties
Native to Africa and Asia , also called ajonjolí or benne , sesame is one of the oldest seeds and it has been used primarily in Asia for its nutritional, preventative and curative properties. Sesame seed has a pleasant flavour which stands out for its high protein...
Hemp milk: Nutritional values
Hemp is a plant that is well adapted to most climates , it doesn´t need much water and is highly resistant to pests, so cultivation doesn´t need chemical pesticides. It´s typically grown in Mediterranean countries and Asia. Hemp is one of the most beneficial plants....
Natural Rice Milk´s nutritional properties
Rice is a cereal, so it doesn’t have lactose or cholesterol. Unlike oat and spelt, it´s also glutenfree. If it is whole-grain rice, it provides more nutrients and fibre than the white one (because of this helps to avoid constipation). Whole-grain rice is rich in...
Properties of birdseeds’ milk
Birdseed is an herbaceous plant of the Gramineae family, and it comes from the Mediterranean. Its seeds, and the vegetal milk produced with them, are among the strongest and most nutritional and, speaking from a sensorial point of view, its vegetal milk is delicious....
Almond milk’s properties
As the other nuts, it doesn’t have gluten or lactose, and it is very rich in oleic oil, which makes it healthy for the heart and corrects bad cholesterol levels. Furthermore, as tiger nut horchata, it has been recommended during centuries by midwifes to pregnant and...
Properties of oats milk
Oats is a cereal rich in proteins with a high biological value, fats and many vitamins and minerals and, among the 8 amino acids necessary for life, oats contains 6. It has a high content in fibre that helps the good performance of the intestine, and also to...
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