Home / Recipes / Plant milk recipes / Legume plant milk recipes / Vegan milkshake with peanut milk, cocoa and mint

Vegan milkshake with peanut milk, cocoa and mint

There are lots of ways to make peanut milk. This plant milk is both gluten and, of course, lactose free. It is very tasty and goes very well with tea and coffee, or as a base for milkshakes and smoothies. It tastes similar to any nut plant milk, although peanut milk is much cheaper. Ancient cooking scriptures exist which confirm its use in both Spain (Zaragoza) and Japan.

Vegan recipe of peanut milk cocoa and mint

Today we’ve got a peanut milk recipe for you, but we’ve made it with an “After Eight” touch, with a deep chocolate and mint flavour. Using natural ingredients, we have transformed peanut milk into a super-refreshing milkshake, free of gluten and lactose and ideal for snack time during the hot summer months!

As you can see, with Chufamix it is very easy to play about with all kinds of seed and natural flavourings to give our plant milk a special and innovative touch. Here’s the recipe:

  • 150 grammes of toasted, unsalted peanuts (or desalted in water).
  • 1 litre of water
  • 4 soup spoons of mint (if you use fresh mint you need to put in more)
  • 30 grammes of cocoa (or 20 grammes of carob flour)
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of panela
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Put a litre of water in the Chufamix container.
  2. Put the rest of the ingredients in the filter glass and insert the glass in the container.
  3. Mix for a minute with the help of a hand blender.
  4. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the filter and squeeze the pulp using the mortar to squeeze out the last drops of the milk.
  6. The pulp can be recycled to make a fabulous homemade chocolate cream.

Alternatives and tips
To make the peanut milk simple, without added natural flavourings, follow the same preparation process using only water, peanuts and a pinch of salt.

Coconut milk cookies, GLUTEN-FREE Salad with vegan walnut cheese and flowers
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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