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Burmese Bean Tofu

Burmese bean tofu is a famous traditional Burmese tofu’s version. It is prepared with beans instead of chickpeas.The Burmese tofu is an interesting alternative for tofu consumers who would like to cook tofu at home.

Burmese Bean Tofu Recipe

Burmese bean tofu is simpler to prepare than soy tofu. In the Burmese version, there is no need to curdle the milk and this makes the process easier. It is enough to make a concentrated legume milk and cook it for 5 minutes to thicken it.

Ingredients for 300g of bean tofu:

  • 200 g beans (soaked overnight or at least 8 hours)
  • 450 ml water
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon paprika (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder (optional)


Preparation time: 20 minutes

STEP 1: How to make concentrated bean milk

With the Vegan Milker we can easily make plant-based milk, but you can use any other system to make vegan milks at home. 

  1. Place 450 ml of water in the Vegan Milker container and add a part of the soaked beans into the filter. Pay attention that they are must be covered by water to be blended easily. It’s better to use the turbo or higher power setting of the hand blender.
  2. Add the rest of the beans little by little and blend again.
  3. If there is too much pulp remove some or all of the pulp and make room to add the rest of the beans and blend again. You will see that the concentrated bean milk is denser than the chickpea milk, so before pressing with the mortar, it is better to stir it with a wooden spoon to help the filtering.
  4. Finish the process by pressing the pulp with the mortar until the milk is well filtered.

STEP 2: Making bean tofu:

  1. Put the bean milk in a saucepan and heat over low heat.
  2. Stir the milk constantly with a wooden spoon or better with the help of a pastry stick, to mix the protein well. It is time to add the spices we want (paprika and garlic powder) and mix well.
  3. In about 5 minutes, the milk will thicken and become a dense mass that sticks to the wooden spoon. 
  4. When it becomes difficult to stir because of the thickness of the dough, transfer it to a mold and let it cool.
  5. Store in the fridge at most for 1 week.

Tips and alternatives

  • Bean burmese tofu may be used in different dishes and it can be cooked in many ways: pan-fried or grilled, baked, sautéed, battered, etc.
  • With the remaining pulp it is possible to prepare a soup or to introduce it as mass of veggie burgers and thus to take advantage of all the nutrients that the bean provides to us.

Other interesting recipes:

Cheackpea tofu

Homemade chestnut milk (gluten-free) New Vegan Milker MÜLSI
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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