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The perfect gift that you need in your vegan life

It’s not easy to be 100% coherent with the vegan attitude in all areas of life. There are those who begin the journey by making the leap to vegetarian food, or who rethink their lifestyle habits for ecological awareness, many other people come to veganism from ethical and social justice motivations. In short, it’s a process in which we go step by step transforming our minds and habits based on ethic and health circumstances.

Although the variety of the stages of transformation may vary, we all go through the stage of becoming familiar with the wide range of plant-based foods and discovering the playfulness they offer in the kitchen to create delicious dishes, snacks, desserts and even plant-based milks.

One of the easiest ways to adopt a healthy lifestyle or a vegan and vegetarian diets is to start cooking at home, but doing so can be a challenge for those who don’t have the right cookware. Vegan Milker is a must-have to help prepare natural and healthy plant milks with all their nutrients and original flavor. If you want to surprise your vegan friends, family or vegan partner with a vegan gift, we assure you that they will love Vegan Milker!

Why is Vegan Milker the best gift for vegans?

When it comes to a vegan diet, we need to have some alternative to dairy milk. Vegan milk is an excellent choice for people who opt for vegan life, as it ensures protein intake that at another time they would get through animals meat and milk consumption. It is more than demonstrated that natural homemade plant-based milks from seeds, nuts or cereals have 5 times more nutrients than their packaged industrial versions.

In addition to the nutritional contribution, thanks to the fact that you prepare it at home, it helps to:

  • Reduce greenhouse effect.
  • Reduce the amount of milk cartons that pile up in the garbage and could end up in the ocean.
  • Recover conscious and sustainable consumption by buying basic ingredients in bulk (seeds, nuts or cereals).
  • Save a lot of money in your shopping cart.

Nowadays, you only need 5 minutes and the Vegan Milker to prepare a delicious veggie drink with all its nutrients. The possibilities are endless!

Recipes to make with your Vegan Milker:

Vegan Milker allows you to create all kinds of plant milk recipes from any seed, nut or cereal: oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, etc. Discover all the plant milk recipes you can create here.

Trick to improve the plant milk adding plant based protein

Vegan Milker allows to mix different types of seeds in your plant milk. Adding a handful of high-protein seeds among the ingredients will reinforce the presence of protein in our drink. They stand out for their high protein content: white soybeans, sunflower seeds, peanuts, hemp, pistachio, almond and sesame. Do you dare to try them?

In case you like to play with different flavors, Vegan Milker invites you to place all kinds of natural sweeteners and flavorings into your plant milk: dates, cinnamon, ginger, organic whole cane sugar, cocoa, coconut sugar or even better, syrups such as agave or rice.

Pulp recycling recipes

As we love to experiment and we don’t like to throw away food at all, at Vegan Milker we have developed countless recipes to recycle and take advantage of the “leftover pulp” after making our plant drink. On our blog you will find multiple uses for pulps such as recipes to make pates, sauces, cookies, cakes, etc. that are absolutely delicious and could add an extra boost of fiber to your daily meal while helping to reduce food waste.


Whether you are vegan or vegetarian, or simply passionate about plant-based drinks, Vegan Milker is the perfect tool to innovate and bet on new healthy recipes in your life. It’s made in Spain and has an affordable price. Stands out among other plant milk maker options for its single step filtering and grinding system, which provides it with an unbeatable emulsifying capacity. In addition to helping to reduce the plastic consumption and the CO2 footprint, you will also minimize energy consumption and you will become a zero waster agent, in a fun and delicious way. You’ll get to feed yourself with delicious plant-based milks that are completely customizable to your taste and nutritional needs. It’s a win-win attractive gift, isn’t it?

Vegan Energy Shakes for the 'Back to School' Homemade Amaranth Milk
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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