Coconut milk banana date popsicle

Coconut milk has to be one of the most luscious milks out there. In fact, it’s widely used around Asia and Latin America for cooking purposes. Moreover, coconut milk is naturally gluten free, and also suitable for lactose intolerant people. Such a fabulous base to make some homemade ice-cream, right?

Today’s recipe is one I’ve created taking some inspiration in a traditional Thai dish called “Gruad Katí”, which combines both coconut and banana. Usually, this delightful dessert is served warm, but I wanted to take it to the next level today and make a cold, summery version, one that the whole family will adore!


  • ½ litre coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon agar agar
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup
  • 1 date
  • 1 banana


  1. Let’s start by making some homemade coconut milk.
  2. Once made, it’s necessary to let coconut milk cool until room temperature and then add agar agar.
  3. Stir so agar is fully dissolved and hydrates (5 minutes will be enough)
  4. Heat coconut milk and agar agar in a saucepan on low until it simmers. Then add he syrup and stir to combine.
  5. When mixture reaches boiling point, remove pot from heat and add the chopped banana and date.
  6. Blend this mixture with a hand blender until smooth.
  7. Heat again on low, stirring often.
  8. Divide mixture into popsicle molds or similar.
  9. Let it chill and then freeze.

Tips and tricks

I decided to do some fun research so I divided the mixture into two parts: one used to make popsicles and the other one which I put into jam jars and chilled in the fridge. It’s a great alternative to yogurt, and it can be mixed with a lot of different toppings (hint: chocolate shreds are great) to make one fabulous snack.

If you’re into vegan ice-cream, you’ll find lots of nice recipes and info here: and enjoy making all kind of popsicles!

Sugar-Free Rice Milk Tigernut Horchata Pistachio Pulp Vegan Pesto
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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