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Plant milk Mug Cake

vista desde arriba de un mug cake con pepitas de chocolate

The plant milk mug cake is a mini sponge cake that is really easy to prepare. It is called mug cake because the ingredients are put in a coffee cup (mug) and cooked in the same cup for only 2 minutes in the microwave. The result is a spongy cake that will surprise us.

As it is an express recipe, its consumption must also be express, because if we leave it for a few hours, the cake will dry out and lose all its attractiveness.

On the other hand, if we use natural and unrefined ingredients, the mug cake becomes a homemade express indulgence, much healthier than eating industrial pastries.

How to make the classic mug cake

Mug cakes admit an infinite number of ingredients and variations. It can be made with chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts, raisins, or with the ingredients you prefer. In this recipe we will make a mug cake based on the classic sponge cake with chocolate chips and vanilla flavor.

Ingredients (for 2 small cups or 1 large cup)

4 tablespoons wheat flour (sifted)
2 tablespoons organic white sugar (unrefined)
3 tablespoons homemade plant-based milk (whatever you have on hand)
1 tablespoon chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate.
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preparation time
10 minutes

taza de café con mug cake clásico


  1. Sift the flour over a bowl and mix it with the sugar, salt and finally the yeast.
  2. Once the dry ingredients are mixed, it is the turn of the wet ingredients, mixing well each time a new ingredient is added.
  3. First add the plant milk that you have on hand. I have tried this recipe with oat milk and tigernut milk and it worked well with both. Any plant milk can be used. If you have a Vegan Milker at home, you can prepare the plant milk you want in about 5 minutes.
  4. Finally, add the vanilla extract and the teaspoon of oil to the batter.
  5. When the mixture is well homogeneous, pour it carefully into the cup up to half of it.
  6. If chocolate chips, chocolate pieces or small pieces of fruit are to be added, it is advisable to do it in layers. Put 1 cm of dough in the cup and add 3-6 chips, cover that layer with another cm of dough and add another 3-6 chips and so on until you reach the middle of the cup, where you put all the chocolate chips you want to decorate the cupcake.
  7. Microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power.

Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

If you want the chocolate mug cake, just add 2 tablespoons of fat-free cocoa among the dry ingredients mentioned in the previous recipe and increase the amount of EVOO from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon.


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