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Strengthen defenses with milk and juices

bodegon con leches vegetales , zumos naturales , frutas y semillas

Keeping your immune system strong is an excellent remedy to prevent all kinds of diseases. Doing so is easy, it’s free and it can also be enjoyable.

The immune system is strengthened in a natural and effective way if we take care of basic daily habits such as sleeping well, doing moderate exercise (walking, dancing, running, jumping…) and lowering the stress level. Positive thinking and connecting with pleasant sensations such as the feeling of happiness also contribute to improving health in general and the immune system in particular.

As you can see, the main activities to strengthen our body’s defenses are simple actions that are within our reach.

In addition to the aforementioned lifestyle habits, it’s also convenient to consume specific food that enhances the immune system. Including these foods in our diet will contribute to improve our defenses in a natural, easy and healthy way.

Foods that strengthen the immune system

The main vegan foods that help improve defenses are found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. It’s important that they are foods with high levels of vitamin C, which present antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory properties.

In this article we introduce you to seeds, fruits, vegetables and natural flavorings that stand out in their immunological properties and can be easily integrated into any plant milk, juice or pulp recipe that we daily make with Vegan Milker.

Natural plant milks that boost defenses

The plant milks that contribute most to keeping the immune system in top shape are:

Almond milk.

Hazelnut milk.

Pistachio milk.

Sunflower seed milk.

These seed and nut milks are a nutritional treasure. They are easily prepared with Vegan Milker:

  • Option 1: using 100 gr of nuts per liter of water , blend the ingredients and squeeze the pulp.
  • Option 2: adding a handful of nuts (25gr) in our favorite plant milk so that the nuts provide their exquisite flavor and valuable immunological properties.

I invite you to take almond milk as a model recipe and substitute the almonds for hazelnuts, pistachios or sunflower seeds to prepare the rest milk versions.

Recycling the pulps to support the immune system

Whenever we make homemade plant milk, we always save the pulp for culinary use. This is the good thing about cooking at home, being able to enjoy the pulp and all the nutrients that remain in it.

The pulp that gives us the plant milk of nuts or sunflower seeds can be a great ingredient for salads, yogurts or a pasta dish.

You can also cook with it and use it as an ingredient in veggie pâtés, hummus or other vegan creations. These are simple recipes, requiring only an electric mixer or a hand blender and a few ingredients to add flavor to the mixture. Coincidentally, many of the foods included in these recipes are high in vitamins and help keep the immune system strong.

Let’s see what foods can bring even more immune-boosting properties to our pulp in a tasty and natural way.

  • Wheat germ
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Garlic
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Red bell pepper (triples the amount of vitamin C of any citrus fruit)
  • Mushrooms

There are multiple ideas on how to cook with the pulps in the recycling pulps section of this web. Surely you will be surprised by the number of sweet and savory dishes that can be made to use the pulp.

Natural juices that strengthen the immune system

Vegan Milker was designed to prepare plant milks in a simple way, but it also allows to make fruit and vegetable juices. Firstly crush in a Vegan Milker a very juicy fruit and then add the rest of the ingredients so that the blender does not suffer. There is well detailed in this post on how to make juices with Vegan Milker.

Fruits that help keep our body’s defense system strong are autumn-winter seasonal fruits that can be taken either alone or used as another ingredient in any mixed fruit juice.

They stand out for their ability to strengthen the immune system

  • Citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit.
  • Pomegranate
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberries

I love all type of plant milks, juices and pulps presented here. They make me happy and healthy.

I hope with these humble tips to contribute to encourage you to take care of your immune system in a natural, healthy and also pleasant way.

What do you usually do to strengthen your defenses?

Vegan alcohol-free Christmas punch Natural flavorings to improve plant milks
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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