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The best vegan cappuccino

vista alzada del cappuccino junto a unas galletas

Since we have discovered the emulsifying power of Vegan Milker for coffee beans we have started experimenting with barista coffee and have discovered how to make the best vegan cappuccino. The key recipe was shared with us by Elisabetta Manuli @elisabettamanuli who was kind enough to share with us the photo of her homemade cappuccino with plant milk and kindly answer all the questions we had about it.

How to obtain the cappuccino foam

Among the commercial milks there is a range of barista type milk that is creamier and is used to make cappuccino and other fancy coffees. Whether it is cow’s milk or plant milk, this type of barista milk has chemicals added as proteins and fats to achieve the sweet, creamy and frothy effect that people like so much.

How to make a healthy vegan froth without additives?

leche de soja espumada en una jarra de vidrio.

Generate the frothy effect we need for a cappuccino is not easy using non additives plant milk. To froth and steam the homemade plant milk it’s necessary that the plant milk has the quality and quantity of protein needed for this purpose.

We have experimented with several homemade plant milk: soy milk, oat milk, tigernut milk and coconut milk. At the moment, as our dear friend Elisabetta has already shown us, soy milk is by far the one that gives the best results. Homemade soy milk without additives generates by itself abundant and soft foam capable of remaining for a long time intact in your cappuccino cup. It’s amazing!

Frothing gadgets

Aerate the milk is the trick to creating foam so that the protein molecules are restructured to micro-foam form that we love so much.

The most commonly used gadget for this purpose is the steam maker of coffee machines. Plase the steam maker into the milk jug and move up and down until the foam is created.

There are also small electric frothers specially designed to froth and steam the milk. I’m sure you’ve seen them ( Check photo).

As I don’t have an espresso machine or an frother at home, I use the UNOLD hand blender which has a special accessory to achieve creamy textures and it really works wonderfully.

some gadgets to froth the milk to the vegan cappuccino

Vegan cappuccino recipe with soy milk

  1. Prepare homemade soy milk. I leave you as an example some Vegan Milker recipes for making soy milk. It works well with all of them.
  2. Steam and froth 150 ml of homemade soy milk with the tool you have for that purpose (steamer, milk frother, handblender…).
  3. Once the milk is prepared, pour a shot of 30 ml of espresso coffee in a cup and then add the micro-foamed soy milk.
  4. To finish, sprinkle the foam with a little cocoa powder, cinnamon powder or a mixture of both.

Enjoy your cappuccino!

Other interesting articles:
The best plant milk for coffee.
Recipe to take profit homemade soy milk pulp in veggie burgers.

Coconut and cocoa vegan French toast Hazelnut pulp vegan cake
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