Energy balls with coconut pulp

The energy balls are an ideal resource for the recycling of homemade plant milks’ pulp. It is a very versatile recipe that is also very easy to prepare.
They are suitable for both students and sporting people. They are also an original and fun way to introduce healthy eating habits in childhood and youth.
The most common size of the energy balls is that a pin pong ball, so they are easily carried for snacking at any time of the day. 

Energy balls basic recipe

The basic ingredients for any energy ball recipe are: 

Peanut, almond, pistachio cream, etc. (or even tahini).
Optionally you can also add:

Plant milks pulp
Grated coconut
Cereal flakes (oats, spelt, etc.)
Salt or spices such as orange zest, cinnamon, etc. 
Traditional method:

Ingredients are added one at a time mixing well each time a new one is added. The main key to a good result is to join different textures in the same dough. The nut cream will help us to better link the ingredients and give it the necessary consistency to model it as we like.

How to make coconut pulp energy balls

As an example, I share with you the recipe that I have liked the most of all the ones I have tried to date. As I have already said above, these ingredients can be substituted for others that you have on hand or that you like more without any problem. 

Ingredients (For 8 – 10 balls)

60 g of homemade coconut milk pulp
80 g crushed hazelnuts
5 pitted dates
2 tablespoons of fat-free cocoa
2 tablespoons of peanut cream

Preparation time:

Preparation time: 10 minutes

  • Crush the hazelnut and the dates. Do not grind them completely so that they give a crunchy texture to the dough.
  • Mix the crushed hazelnut with the cocoa in a bowl. 
  • Then add the dates and the coconut pulp, mixing well after each addition.
  • Finally add the peanut butter and mix the dough by hand, pressing it well until it is very compact.  
  • Make the balls by hand and store them in a bowl in the refrigerator to keep them better and harden a little.
  • They keep perfectly for at least 10 days. 

Alternatives and tips

As I said at the beginning, the recipe for energy balls also allows us to play with other goodies that we have at home. Getting different versions is a matter of imagination. The best thing to do is to try different textures and flavors that we have on hand. 
At Vegan Milker we can’t throw anything away, so we use this recipe frequently as a quick and easy way to recycle homemade plant-based milk pulp. This recipe also works great with hazelnut milk, almond milk or tiger nut milk pulp.

Other similar recipes with coconut pulp:

Vegan Ferrero Rocher with coconut pulp and hazelnuts
Homemade energy bars with coconut and almond pulp

3 protein shake recipes to build muscle Chickpea Tofu
  • Bola agitadora

    Shaker Ball

  • Bamboo Lid


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