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Sweet recipes with plant milk pulps

Latest in Sweet recipes with plant milk pulps

Coffee Energy Bars

Coffee Energy Bars

We will take profit of the leftover pulp of a delicious latte to transform it into energetic coffee bars. We only have to add some seeds, dates and a sweetener that acts as a binder to the leftover pulp of our latte. In a few minutes we will turn the dough into a food...

Vegan Chai Latte Pancakes

Vegan Chai Latte Pancakes

Recycling pulp leads us to find new textures and flavors like this vegan chai latte flavored pancakes recipe. The idea of pancakes came after making a chai latte with Vegan Milker. I wanted to use the leftover pulp for some baking purposes, but at that time I didn't...

The best 10 recipes using almond pulp

The best 10 recipes using almond pulp

You often write to us asking for almond pulp recipes. We've gathered the most suggestive recipes using almond pulp so that from now on you can find the best ideas unified in a single post. The almond pulp or any other nut pulp is a versatile raw ingredient ideal for...

Hazelnut pulp vegan cake

Hazelnut pulp vegan cake

Making plant milk at home allows you to use the pulp to make delicious homemade desserts like the hazelnut cake that we introduce today. The original recipe was sent to us by Marisa Fuentes and we have adapted it a bit for the vegan version. Vegan hazelnut cake recipe...

Date cream with chestnut pulp

Date cream with chestnut pulp

Date cream with chestnut pulp is an easy-to-make and very nutritious seasonal recipe that is usually enjoyed by everyone. Nutritional properties Both chestnuts and dates are very light in fat and rich in fibre. Their high fibre content helps to improve digestion and...

Energy balls with coconut pulp

Energy balls with coconut pulp

The energy balls are an ideal resource for the recycling of homemade plant milks' pulp. It is a very versatile recipe that is also very easy to prepare.They are suitable for both students and sporting people. They are also an original and fun way to introduce healthy...

Nut pulp and cocoa vegan cake

Nut pulp and cocoa vegan cake

PREPARATION TIME: 15 minutes COOKING TIME: 30 minutes Walnut milk is one of our favorite plant milk of the autumn-winter season. As well as being delicious, it is so energetic and helps to keep our immunity up. The recipe to make any nut milk it's easy and fast and...

Buckwheat pancakes with oat pulp

Buckwheat pancakes with oat pulp

Who known us for a long time know how important is for us to make full use of the seeds, recycling the leftover pulp from our homemade plant milks. We think it’s essential to consume the leftover pulp, as in this way we obtain every last nutrient of the seeds we used...

Vegan Ferrero Rocher with coconut and hazelnut pulp

Vegan Ferrero Rocher with coconut and hazelnut pulp

The end of the year is approaching, and we want to sweeten the moment. It is a very special moment in which we celebrate that we are starting a new cycle together. I propose an easy healthy and nutritious recipe which deserves a place on any tray of sweets at this...

4 recipes and tricks to recycle tiger nut pulp

4 recipes and tricks to recycle tiger nut pulp

With a Vegan Milker at home, it’s highly likely to spend the summer making homemade horchata or other plant milks to prepare fruit milkshakes, vegan ice-cream, etc… If that’s the case, your house must be full of leftover pulps which you might not know what to do with....

Almond and coconut pulp homemade energy balls

Almond and coconut pulp homemade energy balls

I wanted to show you one of my favorite recipes to use up leftover pulps from making homemade plant milks. This one, in particular, is made from some coconut and almond pulps that I had laying around in the freezer. However, this simple recipe is open to many...

Easy recipes to make the most of leftover oat pulp

Easy recipes to make the most of leftover oat pulp

Have you ever made oat milk? It yields a lovely drink plus a great pulp which you can use in a lot of different ways. About 40% of the nutrients in the grain are left in the pulp, so it’s really interesting to put it to good use. Texture-wise, it’s not the most...

Carob Tigernut Flour Cake

Carob Tigernut Flour Cake

Tigernut pulp, just like nut pulp, can be used in Yogurt, soup, purees and salads, and it also makes a wonderful pasta toppings. When it comes to baking, it can be used instead of actual Tigernut flour in cake, cookies and even bread. However, it is necessary to take...

Almond Pulp Chocolate Chip Cookies

Almond Pulp Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here at ChufaMix, there’s nothing we like better than recycling (and upgrading!) leftover pulp from making homemade milk. We’ve got a fantastic chocolate chip cookie recipe coming for you today! It’s made from leftover almond pulp and every bit as delicious as a good...

Carrot and soy pulp cupcakes

Carrot and soy pulp cupcakes

Cooking with the vegetable milk pulps really stimulates our creativity. Our lovely vegan cook, Maizan Ahern, experiments with these pulps with great love and imagination. Thanks to Maizan, there are loads of delicious recipes in her blog www.thebluecrane.asia Today we...

Gluten Free Chocolate Beetroot Cupcake (by thebluecrane)

Gluten Free Chocolate Beetroot Cupcake (by thebluecrane)

Our dear Malay collaborator Maizan Ahern from (www.thebluecrane.asia) is a wonderful cook. She loves cooking with almond pulp and we love sharing her creations! You have more Maizan´s recipes in this link. Ingredients: 250 g (2 large raw beetroot, peeled and grated) 2...

Date and nuts milk cream

Date and nuts milk cream

In autumn, nuts and dates arrive. It´s the moment to make delicious nuts milk and recycle its pulp in a tasty and healthy vegan meal. Now is when they are more flavorful and tender so it is perfect for making date and nuts creams. Here you have a simple vegan recipe...

Tigernut pulp cake

Tigernut pulp cake

After making a delicious tigernut horchata or chufa horchata (original spanish name), you can recycle the pulp in a special tigernut or chufa cake. Here you have a nice recipe of our Spanish friend Virginia Contreras. Ingredients: 100 grams of tigernut pulp or grinded...

Almond milk pudding with berries & pulp crumble topping

Almond milk pudding with berries & pulp crumble topping

This recipe is made using homemade almond milk and the pulp of this vegan milk. It´s gluten free, sugar free, dairy free recipe, very high in protein, but not syrup free... Don´t forget than the berries are packed with antioxidants ! It is an aportation of our...

Yogurt cake with coconut milk pulp

Yogurt cake with coconut milk pulp

Recipe of Mari Carmen, from Valencia (spain) After making the coconut milk, our friend Mari Carmen propose us how to recycle the pulp into a homemade yogurt cake. Ingredients 1 tub of yogurt (we will use the yogur tub as a measurer) 2 yogur tubs of sugar. 3 yogur tubs...

Coconut & almond truffles (video recipe)

Coconut & almond truffles (video recipe)

Ingredients: 100 grams of almond pulp 70 grams organic white sugar (unrefined) 2 teaspoons brandy Shredded coconut Pure cocoa powder Preparation: Mix almond pulp with sugar and add the brandy. Then add enough shredded coconut so that the dough can be. Shaped to make...

Homemade cocoa & nuts cream

Homemade cocoa & nuts cream

Helping an unknown chufamixer at the eco-fair in Eibar (Basque Country), 2012. The video recipe (Below) When we develop a milk from almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts etc. the pulp that remains in the filter can be used to make homemade Nutella. Fingerlickinggood!!...

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