Homemade walnut milk

Walnut milk is a delicious plant milk that has nothing to envy to the popular almond milk.

Like other drinks made from nuts, it does not contain gluten or lactose and is very rich in fatty acids, which makes it suitable for the heart and for regulating cholesterol.

Walnut milk is a very caloric and protein-rich drink, so it is recommended not to drink more than one glass a day, preferably in the morning or before exercising.

This drink is rich in trace elements, vitamin C, vitamin B, lecithin and omega-3 (polyunsaturated) fatty acids.

How to make walnut milk at home

Walnut drink is a delicious vegetable milk. It is ideal to drink it alone, with coffee or tea, or even include it in desserts or in any other dishes.

As the nuts are very oily and soft, it’s not necessary to pre-soak them or use hot water to prepare them. Preparation is simple and only takes a few minutes.


0.8L liter of water
100 grams of walnuts
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar or any other sweetener (optional)

Preparation time
5 minutes

Preparation of walnut milk

Fill the Vegan Milker container with plain water up to the 0.8 l mark.
Put all the ingredients in the filtering vase and adjust it in the container.
Blend with the hand blender for about 1 minute until the milk is perfectly emulsified.
Let still for 5 minutes.
Raise the filter to the upper milk level mark and stir with a wooden spatula/spoon until the pulp is visible.
Next, insert the Vegan Milker mortar and press carefully to squeeze out every last drop.
Store the walnut milk in the fridge, where it will last for at least 3 days. You will notice that the taste improves every day.
Also keep the walnut pulp in the fridge.

Tips and alternatives

Como hacer leche de nueces sin gluten y sin lactosa

Before preparing the walnut milk, make sure the walnuts are rich enough. Walnuts oxidize quickly, so make sure they are in good condition and don’t taste rancid before proceeding to make the milk.

Whether or not adding sweetener, is a matter of taste and you can safely omit this step.
You can also play with other ingredients to adapt the walnut milk recipe to your personal taste. A super tasty variation is to add a teaspoon of cocoa and orange zest. But you can also add a little vanilla, dates, oatmeal… In short, it’s about improvising until you find your favorite version for each moment.

The remaining pulp is perfect for desserts or to eat with yogurt or in granola. An easy and very attractive recipe, especially for the sweetest palates, is to mix it with a little cocoa and syrup and make chocolate butter with it…. Mmmm!

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