Recipes with plant milk pulps

After making milk or juice, we have pulp left over

We don’t like to throw food away and we like to take advantage of it, recycle it and invent new uses for it. It all came from a very practical question. We have a lot of plant milk pulps. What can we do with them?

As a result of our experiments and your collaborations, we are compiling a series of recipes made with pulps that will help you save money, gain health and activate your creativity.

For us, “Pulping” means recycling, inventing, tasting, discovering how to feed ourselves better. Shall we “pulping”?

Latest in Recipes with plant milk pulps

Pizza dough with oats´pulp

Pizza dough with oats´pulp

We show you a simple and useful recipe to recycle the pulp of oats drink: turn it into great pizza dough. Ingredients (For a big pizza) 50 grams pulp of oats flakes (1,76oz ). 300 grams whole wheat flour ( 10,58oz) A spoonful of whole sugar A spoonful of olive oil...

Coconut & almond truffles (video recipe)

Coconut & almond truffles (video recipe)

Ingredients: 100 grams of almond pulp 70 grams organic white sugar (unrefined) 2 teaspoons brandy Shredded coconut Pure cocoa powder Preparation: Mix almond pulp with sugar and add the brandy. Then add enough shredded coconut so that the dough can be. Shaped to make...

Homemade cocoa & nuts cream

Homemade cocoa & nuts cream

Helping an unknown chufamixer at the eco-fair in Eibar (Basque Country), 2012. The video recipe (Below) When we develop a milk from almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts etc. the pulp that remains in the filter can be used to make homemade Nutella. Fingerlickinggood!!...

Oats & Cereals pulps’ Veggiburgers

Oats & Cereals pulps’ Veggiburgers

Ingredients (for 2 people) The remaining pulp of an oats drink (1 cup of oats flakes or 100 gr of soy pulp) 100 gr of boiled cereals (rice, millet, spelt) 1 tablespoon ounces of whole flour 1 tea spoonful of soya sauce (soyu) 2 garlic cut in pieces Curry, cumin,...

Original fruit pulp cookies

Original fruit pulp cookies

At the "Juices & tes" section of our blog there is a special seasonal recipe with orange and pomegranates (Here is the link). After making that delicious juice I crated this cookies recipe to recicle the fruity pulp. Ingredients: - 100 grams of leftover pulp - 70...

Almond pâté with herbs

Almond pâté with herbs

Ingredients The leftover pulp from making 1L of Almond milk. A large clove of garlic A dozen celery leaves A dozen parsley leaves 11 drops of lemon juice or white vinegar 2 tablespoon of olive oil If we use organic products, this increases both the flavour and...

What can we do with the pulp?

What can we do with the pulp?

Here at Chufamix, we encourage you to recycle the pulp after making your vegetable drinks. Never throw it down the sink because it could block it ! Possibilities: Gastronomic: You can cook tasty recipes, both sweet and savoury. In the recipes section, there is a...

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